
The parts of Miriam

BY MIKE MUTHAKA  February 2, 2014. On this Wednesday, Miriam (not her real name) was 17, a regular tiny-limbed form two student at MFA Lanet. They usually had club meetings at 4:30 p.m. She refuses to tell me what club she was in. Half an hour into the meeting, she

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Loafers and pencils

BY MIKE MUTHAKA  I didn’t get around to interviewing a millennial this week. So I’m just going to tell you about my new loafers. Two weeks ago, for the first time in my life – on a hot Saturday afternoon – I

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A girl goes corporate

BY MIKE MUTHAKA  “I ask why in everything. Sometimes I get my answers. Sometimes I don’t. It’s life.” “Why do you ask ‘why’?” I ask. “Because life for me is made up of whys and why nots. But why not is not a good enough answer. It’s a shortcut. I

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The click of Mordecai

BY MIKE MUTHAKA  Mordecai Nuni isn’t quick to laugh. Corruption and people who don’t get his jokes sadden him. But puns and genuine banter make him happy. When we meet, he tells me

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The book of Joy

BY MIKE MUTHAKA  “We create. We’re actually gods. We build cities. We design. We do art. We can shape the world.” Joy Wangu Munge, 22, smells like cherry blossom perfume. She’s had a long week. She’s a

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The moment of Patoh Njuguna

BY MIKE MUTHAKA  On December 3rd 2016, after six years of courtship, at Blessed Sacrament Church, Buruburu–in front of friends and family—Patrick Njuguna, alias Patoh, wed Mary Rita Njoki. He was only

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