
Law #35: Master the Art of Timing

I joined a pyramid scheme in August 2013. I didn’t know it was a pyramid scheme at the time. When my big sister invited me for the presentation, she was cagey about what it was about. “Just make sure to come. Please. It’ll just be 30 minutes,” she said on

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Culture Club

I realized that GB was starting something when, on Friday, he told me that he would be attending a meeting at church on Sunday. It was Friday, late morning. The meeting at church was on Sunday afternoon. It was too early in the day to give me a heads-up, no?

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Good cop, bad cop

Tamara Nerima wishes she would live in her son’s head for just a day. Just one. Nate is three. Tamara, every so often, posts her convos with Nate on her Facebook wall. (Do we still call them Walls?) These snippets of convo give us – her pals – glimpses into

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Muna is born

Last October, a month before my daughter was born, I bought a watch from the kiddies section of the jeweller’s store on the third floor of Yaya. Rupa’s. Have you ever been? It’s a silly plastic watch. Q & Q. Water resist, 10 bar.  I would have preferred to show

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In pursuit of happyness

Joy D’Souza kicks off our Parenting mini-series with a story about her daughter Xena and their blog. Lilmissbelle.com. I am already subscribed and following. Are you? Joy is 31, Xena is three and half. Joy is head of Research in a suity stockbrokerage firm, Xena is in play group. Joy’s

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