
Letter to my 25-year-old self

Dear Bett, I am writing you from the future. You just turned 38 and life looks nothing like what you envision now at 25. Easy there, don’t kick up a fuss – you’re still blessed, just not in the way you imagined. You’re living a rich life now, not a

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To Valentine

A reader WhatsApp’d me this message: Hello, Bett. I have a question. Apart from consistently writing and reading books, is there a specific thing or things you do to improve your craft? Even the reading, is there a given writer or books you find yourself consuming for the purpose of

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Newton’s Law

BY BETT KINYATTI Whenever someone on the street stops me and asks me that elusive question about passion, about whether it pays, whether us chicks have more chances at exploring its possibilities than dudes, whether someone’s age plays into the dynamics, I readily

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Chef Les: “Food is better than an orgasm”

Kitchen Confidential: a miniseries about Kenyan chefs in Kenyan kitchens #1. CHEF LESIAMON SEMPELE. EXECUTIVE CHEF AT NYAMA MAMA DELTA AS TOLD TO BETT KINYATTI I worked on a cruise ship for eight and half months. It was called Celebrity Solstice. 2,800 guests, 1,600 crew, 14 levels, 17 destinations. It

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Rolling Stones

Hunt like a hungry lioness: A miniseries on Craft It about Nairobi’s creatives #5. NEWTON OMONDI: TATTOO ARTIST Newton Omondi’s fingers are a metaphor of urban strife, they’re the plucky fingers of a man who isn’t lucky but deserving of the fate he chose for himself at 29. When he

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Turtle neck

Hunt like a hungry lioness: A miniseries on Craft It about Nairobi’s creatives #4. LAURA LWALA: PRYDE ARTZ JEWELLERY Laura Lwala has the psyche of the girl next door, the one you grew up with. She’s modest, chatty and has great eye contact. We’ve just sat down and she already

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