Lights. Camera. Action

BY MIKE MUTHAKA  Love can make a man do crazy things. Love can make a man run through the rain clutching a bunch of flowers. It can make him pick up the microphone during karaoke night at The Tav and take Ne-yo’s ‘Sexy Love’ for a spin. Love can keep

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BY MIKE MUTHAKA  Margaret Wanjiru smoked her first cigarette with her campus boyfriend. They had just had sex. He sat by the open window in his boxers, taking a drag of the cigarette before handing it to Maggie. She smoked because she wanted to impress him. A steady wind was

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The one with the bracelet

BY MIKE MUTHAKA  “No one understands the magnitude of fuckery that goes on when your mind is like, ‘Peace bitch, we’re not here anymore, you deal with your shit, ‘cause it’s too much, you’re too sad, you’re too anxious, us we’re leaving.’” One night in September 2018, Victoria Maina –

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This Young Man

BY MIKE MUTHAKA  Mike Laria was out clubbing last night. He has a searing pain in his calf. He climbs the stairs leading up to Afrah Restaurant with difficulty. He clenches his jaw and grabs onto the railing, lifting his leg like an anchored mass. “Ugh, hii ndio ubaya ya

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The parts of Miriam

BY MIKE MUTHAKA  February 2, 2014. On this Wednesday, Miriam (not her real name) was 17, a regular tiny-limbed form two student at MFA Lanet. They usually had club meetings at 4:30 p.m. She refuses to tell me what club she was in. Half an hour into the meeting, she

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A girl goes corporate

BY MIKE MUTHAKA  “I ask why in everything. Sometimes I get my answers. Sometimes I don’t. It’s life.” “Why do you ask ‘why’?” I ask. “Because life for me is made up of whys and why nots. But why not is not a good enough answer. It’s a shortcut. I

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