

It’s 5.00a.m. The entr’acte between dusk and dawn. The blanket of the night is peeling away slowly to reveal the glorious shine of the morning Sun. In the biting cold outside, watchmen yawn and stretch before clocking out for their nightshift, they wipe the drool off the sides of their

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Say Uncle

I wonder what it was like for her, the day when my Mum stopped being a child. Was it one of those merciless events where you feel choiceless and coerced, as if your arm was twisted and the cruelty of reality whispered into your ear, ‘Succumb or die?’ Or was

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Rated R

Do you remember those old days when the family was in the living room catching some evening local TV and the kissing scenes came on? Do you remember how quickly your folks, your Mum especially, would barrel over to the TV to change the channel or, worse still, turn off

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There’s a worm in my bougainvillea

Elizabeth. A name with as much poise as it demands from when you first say it. Elizabeth. It’s regal. Authoritative. Discerning. A quiet sophistication. An ageless mystique. For a long time into my early twenties, I wondered whether I would measure up to the woman my Mum was. But I

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Sotik, 1976

When the ad agency asked me to write twice a week about ‘My Mother and I’, I knew right away this wasn’t just about scrutinizing a lifelong relationship with her. This was about emotional recall. This was about putting to words 30 years of moments (and memories) between my Mum

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Tuesday mornings

Mid last February, a local ad agency contacted me about a writing gig. Yeah to that. The agency was launching a campaign for one of its clients and needed a creative writer on board. Was I interested? I said I was. They said sawa, wait for a call later this

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Should I?
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