
Suits and monikers

You call him your Ol’Man. The Ol’Man. It’s a hip moniker. You don’t recall that uber hip person who first ran with it but may the Good Lord bless your funky soul. Imitation, after all, is the best form of flattery. When you saw him last, your Ol’Man, in January,

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13 weeks later

I am pregnant. 3 months – 13 weeks and 6 days in as I write this. Nothing about me was ready for a baby this year. But who ever is ready for these babies? They come when they want to come, and stay because they want to stay. Defiant. Of

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Smile, Woman. Smile

I am one of those people who have gone through life looking at things with their two front teeth. Buck teeth. That’s my signature. A pair of buck teeth which seem to be pushing their way forward the older I get. Each of them wants to see. And be seen

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Flattened breasts and forgotten egos

Let me tell you the story about a girl of ambition I once knew. She was stubborn and young. Positive, she saw what could become even with an empty glass. She conquered her ego. Something most anyone consistently battles with. And she did it with a backhanded flair that was

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You lie, there is no right or wrong answer

It’s the holiday season. You are late (as you always are these days) in sending this piece to publish. So let’s get right into it and run this interview, shall we? INTERVIEWER: How did the year go? BETT: I was ready to whine to you that 2014 was difficult, but

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Warning: this is not a toy

At certain hours of a regular workday, I will need space to think. I will need to step away from my desk to let the words stew as I think of what to write next. I will need to step out – alone – to breathe, to catch a cigarette

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Should I?
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