
Early days: a Diary

BY BETT Sunday 6 September 2020. 2147hours Muna came to the hospital earlier this afternoon. She came to see me and to meet Njeeh. Big sister, baby brother – my daughter meeting my son, that’s something of a solar eclipse. There was no one I was more excited for to

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He came

BY BETT Well, he came. Our son came. I am writing this from my bed, my back propped against pillows on the headboard. He breaths in steady and deep in his bassinet next to me, I can tell he is dreaming. I spent copious amounts of my afternoon moisturizing him

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Post Malone

BY BETT KINYATTI Muna started school last January. On the morning of her first day, GB, Nanny Viv and I

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And now, something, uhm, small to wrap up 2018

BY BETT KINYATTI We’ll all bawl our eyes out at preschool Muna goes to preschool in January, Inshallah. (Wait, with Matiangi’s curriculum withdrawn again, is it preschool, kindergarten or nursery? I don’t know. We’re throwing our kids into the black hole of an education system. I don’t know who we’ll

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This chick was a fox

BY FLORENCE BETT-KINYATTI The question you’d ask me is, “Bett, surely, if your nanny is going on leave for only two weeks, c’mon, si you can stay home for those two weeks and take care of Muna?” I could tell you that you’re insane and end the story here. Laugh

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Another thief in the night

BY FLORENCE BETT-KINYATTI I’ve had two miscarriages. I had the first one when I was 25. I was a year fresh out of campus and as naive as the next 25 year old is. I was still dating my campus boyfriend. When I have the second – at 32, in

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