
Painting your home: a beginner’s guide

It was in 2020, the pandemic year, when we had to hunker down indoors and work from home, that GB and I timidly voiced the confession: our furniture was in desperate need of an upgrade. We were spending so much time with it – on it – that we could

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The Hunt

BY BETT KINYATTI I am at Toi Market hunting for a bedside rug. (Can I still refer to it as a bedside rug if I intend to place it at the foot of the bed? I think not.) Today is Saturday, the day most purveyors here ‘open the bales’ they

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Weaver man

BY BETT KINYATTI There’s a secluded clearing of trees off James Gichuru Road. It sits in the valley of the road, where the dip from Westy and the dip from Lavi meet. You’ll find Charles Oyoko here – underneath the trees, the river behind him, going about his hand weaving

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And now, something, uhm, small to wrap up 2018

BY BETT KINYATTI We’ll all bawl our eyes out at preschool Muna goes to preschool in January, Inshallah. (Wait, with Matiangi’s curriculum withdrawn again, is it preschool, kindergarten or nursery? I don’t know. We’re throwing our kids into the black hole of an education system. I don’t know who we’ll

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Rolling Stones

Hunt like a hungry lioness: A miniseries on Craft It about Nairobi’s creatives #5. NEWTON OMONDI: TATTOO ARTIST Newton Omondi’s fingers are a metaphor of urban strife, they’re the plucky fingers of a man who isn’t lucky but deserving of the fate he chose for himself at 29. When he

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Turtle neck

Hunt like a hungry lioness: A miniseries on Craft It about Nairobi’s creatives #4. LAURA LWALA: PRYDE ARTZ JEWELLERY Laura Lwala has the psyche of the girl next door, the one you grew up with. She’s modest, chatty and has great eye contact. We’ve just sat down and she already

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