
To Valentine

A reader WhatsApp’d me this message: Hello, Bett. I have a question. Apart from consistently writing and reading books, is there a specific thing or things you do to improve your craft? Even the reading, is there a given writer or books you find yourself consuming for the purpose of

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His name is Christopher

How it goes with these things is, sometimes, you are not ready. No one is ever truly ready for anything, I’ll tell you that, but you just have to be ready enough. Ready enough for the experience. Ready enough to experience it as wholesomely as it was intended. The classic

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I don’t know what you’re doing right now but I want you to head over to YouTube and watch Barack Obama’s old speeches. It is what is playing in my headphones at the moment, as I write you this story. I am currently listening to his 2004 keynote speech in

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Dial my heart

My word of the year in 2020 and 2021 was ‘start again’. I recall, it was early January 2020 and I was about eight weeks preggers with our son Njeeh when I settled on this word – rather, phrase – as my guiding principle for the year. These words would

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Start again

Nobody asked but I will tell you how my piano lessons have been fairing on. Ha-ha. Taking it from the top. I have been taking my lessons since early January. I take the lessons in the mornings at our daughter’s school, in the music room upstairs. (Her school has both

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Painting your home: a beginner’s guide

It was in 2020, the pandemic year, when we had to hunker down indoors and work from home, that GB and I timidly voiced the confession: our furniture was in desperate need of an upgrade. We were spending so much time with it – on it – that we could

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Should I?
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